Friday, May 31, 2019
Business Analysis of FMC Corporations Green River Facility Essay
Business Analysis of FMC Corporations Green River Facility FMC Corporations Green River facility is a large organization with many different product lines that cater to many different customers. The industry it serves is the chemical industry. With over 1,000 employees, they service over 100 customers with several(prenominal) different product lines. The Aberdeen facility on the other(a) hand, has only 100 employees who service to only one customer with a single product. The Aberdeen facility, although small in numbers, has proven to be successful in growth and organizational effectiveness to the point that the Green River facility is interested in its organizational behaviors to incorporate them into their experience facility. The Aberdeen facility was founded on the beliefs of participative management and empowerment (George & Jones, 2005) to its employees. The basic principle behind the success of this idea is entrust. According to Bob Lancaster, the founder to Aberdeens manage ment system, trust eliminates fear and allows employees to really focus on what is needed to be done as well as getting it done. By organizing self managed teams (George & Jones, 2005) along with a team leader, employees atomic number 18 encouraged to manage many different aspects of their own organizational behavior. Employee selection is a rigorous process designed to attract race with not only technical skills, which is minor determining factor based on the philosophy that technical skills were easily trained, but a range of individual(prenominal) skills, group skills, communication skills, problem solving skills, results orientation, and leadership skills (Clawson, 2005). These employees would have to be able to thrive in the environment were they are not needed to be told what to do, but to just do it. Teams are designed to manage virtually every aspect of the plant. They schedule work hours, purchased materials and tools, planned work schedules, coordinated with o ther teams, evaluated team members performances, recommended salary increases, generate reports, and deal with virtually every problem that arises (Clawson, 2005). This is where trust is displayed. These teams are comparable to a family. Each person depends on each other to get jobs done within the team. They openly communicate and have meetings when necessary to discuss and resolve issues as they arise. There is no communication break betwee... ...ith responsibility and would rather just take orders from someone else. This attitude will not work with this system. Implementing this system may take some time to bring through due to the size of the Green River facility, but the system is possible to achieve at this facility. The reason the Aberdeen facility has prospered is simply that the employees feel that their part is truly indwelling to the functioning of the facility, and that makes them feel good about their job and they are constantly seeking ways to improve their teams p roduction. Once all of the teams are in place and employees are put with the product specialized for them, the ball will get rolling. Slowly but surely things that need to be turn will be done, employees that can not conform to the new responsibilities will be eliminated, and employees will start to feel the job satisfaction that is really the driving force force behind this system. ReferencesJennifer M. George & Gareth R. Jones (2005). Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior. Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice HallJames G. Clawson (2005) Custom Business Resources. FMC Aberdeen. Boston, MA Pearson Custom publish
Thursday, May 30, 2019
A Web Page :: Essays Papers
A sack up PageA web page is an electronic document written in a computer language called HTML, short for Hypertext Markup Language. Each web page has a unique address, called a URL, short for homogeneous Resource Locator, which identifies its location on the network. A website has one or more related web pages, depending on how its designed. Web pages on a website ar joined together through a system of hyperlinks, so that you can jump between them by clicking on a link. On the Web, you journey, popularly knowing as surfing, through pages of information based on what interests you at that particular moment. Home Page When you browse the World Wide Web youll see the term post page quite a lot. Think of a home page as the starting point of a website. Like the table of contents of a book or magazine, the home page in most cases gives an overview of what youll light upon at the website. A website can have one page, many pages or a few long ones, depending on how it s designed. If there isnt a lot of information, the home page may be the only page. But usually you will find at least a few other pages. Web pages vary wildly in their design and content, but most use a conventional magazine format. At the top of the page is a masthead or banner graphic. Then theres a list of items, such as articles, often with a brief description. The items in the list are usually hot, meaning that they are linked to other pages in the website or to other websites. Sometimes these links are highlighted words in the body of the text or are arranged in a list, just like an index. They can also be a combination of both. A web page can also have images that link to other content. Designing the structure of your Web siteDesigning your Web site begins with planning the purpose of the site, what the content will be, and how you want it to be structured. A well-designed Web site can make it easy for your audience to navigate and get the information you want them to recei ve. It can also make it easier for you to manage and update later on.Planning the purpose and content of the site
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Parliamentary Reform between 1830 and 1832 in Great Britain Essay
There were many reasons why between 1830 and 1832 parliamentary re plaster cast became a big and unyielding issue on the semipolitical landscape. The industrial revolution was in full swing, discontent was rife and consequently revolutionary ideas were materialising. But how did the parliamentary reform gain momentum and become such(prenominal) a significant matter among so many other pressing conflicts and issues?The Tory party were in office prior to parliamentary reform and for years they had term and again strenuously refused to widen the electorate, arguing what made the British political system so very successful was due to the fact that their was more fury on the landowning than the sheer numbers of electorate. The Tory party dominated British politics with the support of royals such as George III and George IV. However, by 1830 divisions in the party began to form and came to prominence. The cause of these divisions was the issue of Roman Catholic Emancipation which led t o Tory hardliners threatening to support reform in order to ensure a wider electorate that would throw pop out any idea of emancipation with fervour. This split in the Tory government eventual became so bitter that the Tory government eventually collapsed in November 1830. Simultaneously, the Whig party were facing a resurgence of support and fortune. The Whig party were keener on the idea of cautious reform and believed that through reform key aspects of the political system had to be preserved. Such representative ideas were bourn from Whig MPs who were more in tune with society at the time since some MPs were not from aristocrat families but from the middle classes- those at the forefront of the industrial revolution. Previously, the Whigs had attempted at sponsoring reform ... ...During this time a closer relationship was built between the middle and working class. The trigger for this smart partnership was a Birmingham banker by the name of Thomas Attwood. Attwood created the group General Political Union which campaigned for reform. This was an example of a flourishing pressure group by raising the profile of their cause through petitions, rallies and peaceful protest. Grey however had the intention of splitting this alliance by promising the middle classes moderate reform.Overall, the more or less important reason for parliamentary reform becoming a promising issue was because of the collapse of the Tory government. Without the collapse of the Tory government the consequential events could not have occurred such as the Whig party gaining momentum and support from the people of Britain which eventually led to the out-dated system being reformed.
lord of the flies :: essays research papers
CHAPTER 7 - SHADOWS AND THE TREES The boys continue their search of the island and moves towards the mountaintop. When they stop to eat, Ralphs mind wanders to other things. He observes the boys and over again realizes they have become dirty and unkempt, a state of their freedom which he accepts as normal. Ralph then looks at the vast ocean. It seems as if the sea acts like a barrier, preventing their rescue, keeping them from civilization, and condemning them. Simon joins him and interrupts Ralphs thoughts of home. He tries to calm the leader by assuring him that they will certainly be rescued soon. Later in the day, the hunters are pleased to discover fresh pig droppings. They decide to hunt the pig while searching for the beast. Soon everyone spies the wild boar and wildly gives chase. Ralph joins the madness, excited by the heraldic bearing of the adventure, and throws a wooden spear, which hits the boars snout. Since it is his first hunt, he is delighted at his accuracy and tries to gain the respect and appreciation of the boys. Jack draws the attention away from Ralph by displaying his bloodied arm, wound by the tusks of the boar. Although the hunt ends with the wild animal escaping, the boys are still filled with excitement. They have a mock play with Robert at the center representing the pig. Jack, Ralph, and the boys perform a savage dance and jab at Robert with the spears almost injuring him seriously. As Robert struggles to get free, the boys chant frenziedly. The desire to hunt and draw blood almost overpowers them, but they dress to bring themselves under control. Ralph uneasily reminds everyone that it has only been a game but the leader now understands the exhilaration of participating in a hunt. Since it is growing dark, at that place is a discussion among the boys as to whether they should stay on this side of the mountain and hunt the beast or return to Piggy and the "littluns". They decide to stay, and the kind Simon offers to go off through the forest alone to inform Piggy of the plans. Because it is night, Ralph feels that they should postpone their search until daylight. Jack accuses him of cowardice and Ralph gives in. While the other boys stay behind, Ralph, Jack and Roger get going to climb the mountain, but Ralph still feels it is a foolish
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Development and Aging Essay -- essays research papers
Below, I will describe many factors that are related to using and aging. First, I will talk about how getting older is not a time to sit out, and think life is over. Second, I will deposit primary and secondary aging. Third, I will talk about how a good healthy diet can help with many diseases in coitus to development and old age. Lastly, I will talk about how technology will help many individuals to live a long and health life.many times when people think of getting older and the aging process they tend to think of turning gray and sitting in a rocking chair watching their life pass them by. This stereotype is slowly being changed thanks to the developments that are being found in research showing that by staying physic aloney and mentally active can help delay some of the onsets of the aging process and help up to live more fulfilled and healthy lives. We all know that aging is inevitable and a natural aspect of life, defined as the gradual loss of the bodys ability to respond the environment. Although there are no ways of foreseeing the aging process from occurring, or finding the so-called "fountain of youth", there are ways to slow down the process and prevent someone from becoming old.As stated in this chapter, despite good health and the absence of disease, primary aging refers to the normal and intrinsic process of biologic aging that are generally programmed and that takes place with the passage of time (Lemme 346). As many already know, and as s...
Development and Aging Essay -- essays research papers
Below, I will describe many factors that are related to development and develop. First, I will talk active how getting aged is not a clock to sit out, and think life is over. Second, I will define primary and secondary aging. Third, I will talk close to how a good healthy diet can help with many diseases in relation to development and old age. Lastly, I will talk about how technology will help many individuals to live a long and health life.Many times when people think of getting older and the aging process they tend to think of turning gray and sitting in a rocking chair watching their life pass them by. This stereotype is slowly being changed thanks to the developments that are being found in research showing that by staying physically and mentally active can help delay several(prenominal) of the onsets of the aging process and help up to live more fulfilled and healthy lives. We all know that aging is inevitable and a natural diorama of life, defined as the gradual loss of the bodys ability to respond the environment. Although there are no ways of preventing the aging process from occurring, or finding the so-called "fountain of youth", there are ways to slow down the process and prevent someone from becoming old.As stated in this chapter, patronage good health and the absence of disease, primary aging refers to the normal and intrinsic process of biological aging that are generally programmed and that takes place with the passage of time (Lemme 346). As many already know, and as s...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Minor Signs Contract
As I have got been doing credit line with outwear on a steady basis. I would consider us to be in an Implied narrow down situation. Subtask, Brenna, Browne (2009) defines an implied contract as established by the conduct of a party rather than by the partys pen or spoken words (p. 240) so I would want to remain liable and fair in my decisions moving forward. I would still move forward with doing business with the company in Connecticut. As we do not have a contract that states I will forget a certain amount of output for so many years or length of judgment of conviction.I would notify endure in written notice that I will no longer be able to provide the Supporting products to him after a fair and reasonable amount of time. I would again offer suggestions of other local distributors so Don could reach out and still continue selling the product in his business. I would also speak with the Connecticut Company to see if could add an amendment to my contract to still be able to provide Don a small local business the ability to remain selling the product I provide to him at the normal status quo. Don would most likely try and sue for breach of contract as he feels he has a effectual ND binding dominatements contract. Unfortunately, contracts made by minors are avoidable and can be dissatisfied by the minor at any time before the minor becomes of a majority age or shortly thereafter (Subtask et al. 2009, p. 254). As an ethical business person Don should have neer asked my minor son to sign a contract. Don should have presented the contract directly to me as the owner of the business he was purchasing from. Spiritually Dons ingenuousness and integrity is also brought into question and would have reservations about continuing doing business with anemone who Is willing to be so deceiving In his business practices.My Christian beliefs have taught me we Do not steal. Do not deceive or cheat one another (New Living Translation, Leviticus 1911). I really dont a ppreciate Don as a fellow Christian treating me this way and not coming to me directly regarding the contract he had my son sign. I think Don whitethorn be someone who Longs to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. For the sleep with of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. New Living Translation, 1 Timothy, & 610) I also believe Don committed a form of criminal fraud described by Subtask as the intentional use of some straighten out of misrepresentation to gain an advantage over another party (2009). Subtask et al. (2009) also gives several examples of common fraudulent acts but the one that fits this situation best is counterfeit pretenses, a de write misrepresentation of existing facts or conditions by which a person obtains anothers money or goods, such as writing of a unserviceabl e check (p. 155). In this scenario Its having my son sign a contract to try and guarantee the price of the products Don Is purchasing.In my understating of the covenants of good faith and fair dealings as long as I continue to supply the requested product until I have given reasonable notice to end services I can remain legal under the uniform Commercial Code (USC). 2-201. Formal Requirements Statute of Frauds. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section a contract for the sale of goods for the price of $500 or more is not enforceable by way or sale has been made between the parties and signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought or by this authorized agent or broker.A writing is not insufficient because it omits or incorrectly states a enclosure agreed upon but the contract is not enforceable under this paragraph beyond the quantity of goods shown in such writing. (Subtask et al. , 2009, p. 764) According to these terms under the USC, it would require us to have a legal contract in writing by an authorized agent or broker, which my minor son is not, again making his requirements contract not enforceable. It also says contract or not I would only be held responsible for any goods beyond what would be in the written documentation.Since we do not have a valid contract stating these terms, there is no reason why I cannot stop selling my products to him with a reasonable amount of notification offered. Don along with fighting for Breach of contract is probably trying to receive some form of remedies for the alleged breach of contract. Remedies for a breach of contract are generally classified according to whether the plaintiff requests monetary damages (legal remedies) or non-monetary images (equitable remedies).
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Body Shop’s Background
Background of the luggage compartment Shop The famous cosmetic shop, Body Shop was founded on 26th March 1976 in Brighton by Anita Roddick with just the simple reason of supporting her husbands dream to visit more countries on the time. At the beginning, the Body Shop was just a sm any shop painted with green. Its products were just placed in little recycled bottles while its labels were just handwritten. All of these were to fall the production cost. As a result, new shops open at the rate of two per month by 1982.The natural, environmentally-minded and intimates cosmetic shop inspired Anita Roddick to open the shop. Therefore, all products of Body Shop such as accessories, body and bath, fragrance and so on are made from natural ingredients targeting at different type of wad including children, ladies as well as gentlemen. The purpose of Anita Roddick to open the Body Shop was not for the money, but about the responsibility. She claimed that the shop opened should be about the public good, but not the private good.In 1984, the Body Shop was listed as a public company. At the same time, Anita Roddick started her efforts to encourage and contribute to social and environment problems such as campaign of issues against animal testing in cosmetic and recycling. On the other hand, the Body Shop Trade Not Aid program started in 1987. It was aimed to help sustaining third countries people livelihood. Besides, the Body Shop had also organized many charitable activities such as aiding communities close to home and various donations.In 2006, the Body Shop was purchased by Loreal which is not against animal testing. This move had raised a huge disagreement around the supporter of the Body Shop. However, the company clarified that it is operated respectively within the Loreal Group. As a result, with the faiths in protecting the environment and caring for people, the Body Shop had been running successfully and expanded amazingly with a steep growth rate from a loca l shop to the well-known international toiletries retailers group with 2400 stores in 61 countries today.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Outline the reasons for the growth in global tourism over the last several decades
Tourism was never a major part of everyday life in a HIC. In 1955 there were approximately 36,000 visitors to Kenya in Africa and it generated i1. 6 million. However only a decade later (2005) there was somewhat 1. 2 million visitors and that generated about i800 million. What atomic number 18 the reasons for this startling development? and what are the impacts on the environment and the local indigenous tribes or cities? Now a days there are more(prenominal) forms of touristry.These are Ecotourism (a sustainable form of tourism that has respect for the environment and the local cultures), Adventure tourism (trekking, cycling, climbing etc) and cultural tourism (visits to historical sites, interesting cities and divers(prenominal) cultures). In 1841, a mass excursion (expedition/trip) from Loughborough to Leicester was organised by Tomas Cooke. This was a huge success and after this Tomas Cooke went on to developed trips to more distance destinations. alike railways and sea lin k were opened up. to a fault 30 years after starting his excursions he started his first round the world trip (video 183 development of tourism sheet). From that point on holidays were the must have for the people of Britain. Most of the rich people spent their holidays in Blackpool. In the early 1900s it became the resort for the common people. iodin of the main reasons for this was because there were works week which was a week of full pay for a holiday in Blackpool.There are a dance orchestra of reasons for the increase of tourism over the decades these are there are more holidays on offer so people can go on holiday for anything up to 4 weeks long. Also because there are more long haul flights to exotic destinations it is quite cheap to travel to other countries (e. g. a flight to curtain Town (South Africa) is i350). Also the other reasons for the growth in global tourism are people can retire early with pension and go on longer holidays. Also there are a lot more people w ith less children due to working so people can go on great adventure holidays without worrying about their children.There are also people with a greater affluence (people are generally wealthier than in the past, and there is more money to spend on luxury items such as holidays and leisure pursuits (new key geography for GCSE p. 231), there is also a lot more mobility and accessibility (the increase of car ownership and improvements in the roads, rail and air travel. These reduce travel time and make it a lot easier). Also there are more package holidays (cheaper holidays are possible with block bookings and deals where travel, accommodation and meals are all included in the price).And finally there are tonnes and tonnes of advertising for various luxury holidays. These include brochures and holiday programmes these promote new and different places and activities. People are now more aware of holiday opportunities operational to them. As you can see there are a lot of reasons for t he recent growth of tourism and there will be plenty more in the near future. B. For a named example, discuss the social, economic and environmental impacts of mass tourism growthKenya is one of the most visited countries by tourists in the whole of Africa in 1991 there were over 800,000 tourists that visited Kenya. This also brought approximately i4 billion. However, even though mass tourism can have its benefits it can have a lot of impacts on the population, the environment and the economy of the country as well. There are a lot of environmental impacts in Kenya due to tourism. Most of these impacts are very honorable and are damaging the local environment and ruining the habitats for the wildlife.For example, on the coastline the boats that takes various tourists out to see the wildlife or go diving. However, the boats then anchor to the coral lower this causes the corral to die and ruins the habitat for the fish. Also the beaches are overcrowded and are littered and the cars that people can drive around causes pollution. This can be a worry because if sulphur dioxide is released into the atmosphere then acid rain can be caused. Eroding the rocks and the corral reefs around the coastline. Thus destroying the local environment ran
Friday, May 24, 2019
Literature & Community Essay
Literature can reflect the lives of individual characters and more importantly it can accept the reader to put the character or conflict in context by revealing the fellowship through the eyeball of the individual. In the instances of William Faulkners A Rose for Emily and John Updikes A&P, the community plays a central role for the narrator. The community and people are filtered through the lens of Sammy the checkout son and the unknown narrator.Both belong as part of the larger community but their observations allow the reader to glean a closer, though biased work out of the other characters such as Emily and the girls roaming through the A&P. Their narrations reveal the closed sensibilities of two communities separated by decades and the leaps of modernity, but the New England town of Updikes allegory is no less judgmental or structured than the Faulkners 19th century southern community.In A Rose for Emily, Faulkner shows Emily only through the eyes of the other community mem bers. Haughty and self-contained, she is part of the community legend but not part of the reality of the town, described from the beginning as a tradition, a duty, and a care a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town(Faulkner, W. 2001 p.79).Their day-to-day lives continue with or without the presence of Emily, her death excites only curiosity. She is a animateness eccentricity who in her secrecy has elicited the towns curiosity. They feel not pleased exactly but vindicated (2001 p. 80) in Emilys inability to unite successfully and heartened by the pity they can feel for her financial straits.The individual woman has long fallen to the wayside as the legend of her odd constitution is absorb as lore. Presented through the eyes of the narrator, the reader never really attains a complete understanding of Emily as an individual character. Instead, Faulkner presents both facts and suppositions to show the multifariousness of gossip and fact that had created the myth of Emily. St ripped of her individuality by her inability to be part of the community and the communitys inability to accept her, Emily becomes a two-dimensional caricature of a woman.The reality of her preceding years, shown in the long-dead corpse lying in the bridal chamber and the gray hair upon the pillow beside, give simply be added to this myth. The narrator makes no attempt to explain this strange image but implies in the form of the rest of the story that this will be added to the legend.Faulkners story shows how the community can change an individual into a story, through their perceptions and judgments. Updikes A&P shows a similar trend in how judgmental assumptions can replace the reality of an individual. The community in this case is the closed community of an afternoon supermarket crowd who represent the town at large. In much the way Faulkners narrator reflects the views of the town, Sammy expresses and relays the perceptions of the few house-slaves in pin curlers (Updike, J., 2 001 p. 33) and the judgmental manager.His observations of the other people in the supermarket and their reactions to the girls, both verbal and non-verbal, show the communitys perception of the girls character based on shallow assumptions. Sammy also unwittingly reduces the girls to embodiments of his own sexual desires. While he is outraged at the give-and-take they receive, he seems more bothered by the way the opinions of the community alter his own vision of the Queenie (2001 p. 32) and her friends.Like Emily, the girls represent myths for Sammy individually and the community. For Sammy the myth is created from his own hormone fueled ideals that inspire him to the heroic gesture of quitting his job. But why did he not simply stand up for the girls? It is simple, he has created in his minda romantic myth where he is the hero, and they the damsels in distress. For the community, the girls represent a myth of the immorality and indecency of youth. Their exposed flesh merely highl ights their growing maturity from the easy acceptance of trivial girls to questionable teenagers on the cusp of womanhood.Both stories show how the myths of individuals can be created by the perceptions and attitudes of their communities. These myths exist outside the closed ranks of the community because the the communitys inability to accept their difference. With Miss Emily the difference lies in her eccentricies. For the Queenie and her friends their difference lies in the communitys difficulties in reconciling these generational changes with the children they once were and the women they would become. Unable to accept these women as part of the communitys indentity, they are reduced to mere myths in the eyes of the community members.ReferencesFaulker, W. (2001). A Rose for Emily. In R. Diyanni (Ed.). Literature Reading Fiction, metrical composition and Drama. (5th ed.). New York McGraw Hill. pp. 79.Updike, J. (2001). A&P. In R. Diyanni (Ed.). Literature Reading Fiction, Poetr y and Drama. (5th ed.). New York McGraw Hill. pp. 32.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Facing the Giants Reaction Paper Essay
The secret of the teams success is their faith to God. Their coach and the team itself seems to be impossible and to the highest degree to give up, but their coach make a stand and seek God, His revelations and His sovereignty in their situation. Our events team almost has the same situation. We seem to be hopeless in mounting our have got event because we are running out of time and we still dont have an approved title. The good intimacy is, our professor gave us last chance and our event manager gathered all of us to discuss and vote for our titles proposal. Finally, we were able to hit the mark and make out an approval because of our teamwork and perseverance even if there is no hope. This is a very good video to watch for families and for people who are losing hope in their own situations. I realized that in life, there is nothing we cant accomplish with faith. We have our own giants, but we cannot face them without God in our side. The movie shows that it is also important that our lives should be guided by the Word of the Lord because His Words can renew our mindsets and spirits and His Word can light up our journey in this world. I also learned that, wherever God puts me, I must do my best not for myself, not for anybody else, but for His recognise to be glorified. My life must be a great testimony that will inspire and will encourage others. Giving up is never an option. If we spirit like quitting, we must ask ourselves why we started. In everything we will do we must give our best and all that we have, all for our Lord. This movie gives its watchers something to treasure a lifetime. It will move every heart. I was teary eyed in the part where the son was saying sorry to his father after realizing that he in reality needs to respect his father. It is a good example to follow because nowadays, teenagers dont have this respect for their parents. Movies nowadays will leave us astounded or give us some laughters but this movie gave us lessons that we can really apply to our families and career life.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Principles of Business Phase Essay
In the aspect of business management, there are several elements and traces that judicatureal loss leader take into consideration when analyzing the condition of the economy of a certain society or nation. These elements are primarily the certain advantages and disadvantages of each society compare to others in terms of production, choice consumption, and economic benefit. Ideally, business leaders analyze each society based on the economic advantage they posses thus, establishing its fundamental business characteristic for market selection. In the application of this concept, consider the following scenario and the characteristic of the economic advantage each respective has for market analysis and selection.a) A nation has companies with the capability to make stereo equipment at a much lower price than other national producers because of lower cost labor. The stereo equipment is of the equal quality as other international producers. The characteristic of this society is mai nly absolute advantage as their production nature possesses more benefits than the other in terms of resource consumption. Ideally, each business leaders desire to have better and effective production with lesser expenses to gain greater profit. Because this society can produce the same quality standard for their product similar to others while having cheaper production cost, their have absolute advantage than the others in terms of production and market selection. Indeed, business organization result desire to utilize the absolute advantage that this nation has for greater profit.b) A country mines for a high-demand precious gem only found in spite of appearance that countrys borders and distributes the gems to jewelry dealers all over the world. The principle for the economic characteristic in this scenario can be considered as absolute advantage mainly because the highly demanded resources can as well as be produced by their society making it their concrete advantage over the others. Likewise, this characteristic can also be considered as a comparative advantage scenario as the society can also be viewed as not the most efficient producer only that they are the only possible producers. Considering their condition, they might not be the most efficient producers for other products however, they can muster up certain advantage through specializing and focusing on the highly demanded product, which can only be found in their resource area.c) An overseas country passes integritys to protect certain business practices that other countries may find unsuitable and peradventure unethical. The protection of these business practices are not seen as abusive or exploitive within the overseas country and are also consistent with national social standards. The business principle applied in this scenario can be considered as national competitive advantage as the law passed by this nation becomes their significant advantage over the others namely their concern for pro tecting certain business practices.Other societies might consider this protection perhaps unethical yet this specific nation implemented them while maintaining their adherence to the national standard. As such, business organizations who see much benefit from this protection will take consider applying their production operation in this nation. Thus, the law they passed protection business operation will become their significant advantage though not absolute above others.BibliographyJohansson, Borie & Karlsson, Charlie & Stough, Roger (2002). Regional Policies and Comparative Advantage. Edward Elgar Publication, USA. ISBN-10 1840648341.Porter, Michael E. (1998). The Competitive Advantage of Nations. Free Press Publication, USA. ISBN-10 0684841479.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Edgar Allen Poe’s Tribute
The poem Annabel lee side by Edgar Allen Poe is written to tell the story of the vocalizers greatest issue. The speaker and Annabel Lee loved each early(a) with a love that was more than love until she fell ill and died (9). The speaker blames the angels for killing his darling and proves his love for her by attending her graveside every day for the rest of his life.One way the speaker demonstrates his love is by describing their business firm (the setting of the poem) as a kingdom by the sea (2).This means the speaker sees himself as royalty because the love he and Annabel Lee share makes him so incredibly wealthy and powerful. This power and wealth was so great, in fact, that heaven envy the love about which Edgar Allen Poe wrote (10). The angels were jealous of this love being shared on earth, which was apparently more wonderful than anything they had experienced in heaven as angels. The use of the word coveted implies a darker meaning.This was not the simple jealousy of a teenage girl. The angels were committing a sin, breaking one of the commandments of their godly Master by coveting the love between two of His children. Finally, the speakers grief at her death further implies the discernment and strength of their love. It is logical that the great the love, the greater the grief the inverse is also true the greater the grief, the greater the love.Instead of merely being laid to rest in a coffin or a grave, death shut her up in a sepulcher there by the sea (19, 40). sepulture brings such dark connotations that we can almost see the speakershrouded in black after her death, mourning as deeply as the seanext to her tomb.Edgar Allen Poe contributed to the extremity of the poem by using a tone of reverence and pride. This is not some silly poem about puppy love.The love shared by Annabel Lee and the speaker was serious, and seems to be one we can only refer to with a sense of sobriety and admiration. In edge 28, the speaker refers to his pride by c omparing himself to those older and wiser, saying that hehad experienced a love that was stronger by far than anything those older and wiser had experienced. The
Monday, May 20, 2019
Othello – Iago Character Analysis
Iago, in Shakespeares Othello, is a deceiving character beca usage he tells lies in order to get what he wants. He interacts with people only to rig them, still closely importantly he never reveals his true feelings or motives. Iago might say things that fire what his motive is, save he soon contradicts himself with another suggestion making it extremely difficult to understand him. Although Iagos true motives pilenot be determined, about motives could be jealousy, the arrive at it offment of seeing people suffer, or agency.Iagos jealous of Othello and Cassio beca pulmonary tuberculosis he thinks that both of them slept with his married woman, Emilia. In Iagos first gear soliloquy at the cobblers last of act 1, Iago says that Othello might have slept with his married woman and even though this is a rumor, he says that he forget believe it. Then in his second soliloquy at the end of act 2, scene 1, Iago reiterates and once again says that Othello slept with his wife, the only difference is that now he thinks Cassio has slept with his wife to a fault because he believes that Cassio is a proper man and a playboy.So, this seems to be a driving nip for Iago to reveal Othello and Cassio. Iagos jealousy to contendds Othello quickly turns into a jealousy toward Cassio too because Othello appointed Cassio as lieutenant or else of Iago. Iago believes that he should be lieutenant because he has fought by Othellos side in battles and because he has actual war experience, whereas Cassio knowledgeable all of his tactics from books. So, he is jealous because he didnt get the job, but he is untamed because he thinks that Othello made Cassio his lieutenant because Cassio helped Othello marry Desdemona.Iago doesnt know anything about proportion, meaning that if he has been wronged he will commence justice to himself by giving the culprit a punishment that doesnt match the crime. In this case, Iago wasnt appointed as lieutenant therefore, he wants to torture Othello and Cassio mentally and then cleanup them. This could be the result of his curse and jealousy. other motive that might cause Iagos behavior is that he is a sadist he just likes to enjoy reflexion other people suffer.Iago is a in truth clever person and he enjoys seeing how idiots bring on fools of themselves. genius of these idiots is Iagos buddy, Roderigo. Roderigo is a typical wealthy, Venetian aristocrat who is madly in love with Desdemona and he has given(p) Iago the proletariat of helping him woo her. Iago uses this to his advantage, even though Iago uses Roderigo to ruin Cassio and Othello, he gets some amusement by reflexion Roderigo prance around and go nuts over Desdemona. Iago also finds it funny when Roderigo wants to go deplete himself later on he finds out that Desdemona married Othello.There are multiple times throughout the play where Roderigo should have cognise that Iago was just using him for money and some laughs and since Roderigo doesnt pick up on this, Iago can use Roderigo to his advantage. precedent is probably the most important motive. Iago is very conniving and clever and he can use this to manipulate people. It is clearly seen that Iago thrives for power because he loves manipulating people so that they doe exactly what he says. He does this to Roderigo umpteen another(prenominal) times, like when Iago tells Roderigo to give him all of his money and when he convinces Roderigo to kill Cassio.He even controls Othello to the point that Othello suspects his wife and decides to kill her. Iagos ache for power is also seen when Cassio is appointed to be Othellos lieutenant because this was, supposedly, the basis for his strike back. He genuinely cherished to be lieutenant because it is a very high position and with it comes a lot of power and Iago proves that he would do anything to get that sort of power. Therefore, one of Iagos motives could be that he has a tremendous thirst for power.In conclusion, many beli eve that Iago is just a psychopath, which is true to some extent however, he is also very sharp and clever. If he wasnt clever he would not be able to carry out his revenge because he wouldnt be able to manipulate anyone. The probable motives power, sadism, jealousy and anger are some reasons for wherefore Iago is psychotic, but it is nearly impossible to figure out his true motives from the text. Even though this may be true, Iago does suggest these motives and all of them are supported by the text, but even this could be one of Iagos ploys because null can truly understand Iago.Othello Iago Character AnalysisIago, in Shakespeares Othello, is a deceiving character because he tells lies in order to get what he wants. He interacts with people only to manipulate them, but most importantly he never reveals his true feelings or motives. Iago might say things that suggest what his motive is, but he soon contradicts himself with another suggestion making it extremely difficult to und erstand him. Although Iagos true motives cannot be determined, some motives could be jealousy, the enjoyment of seeing people suffer, or power.Iagos jealous of Othello and Cassio because he thinks that both of them slept with his wife, Emilia. In Iagos first soliloquy at the end of act 1, Iago says that Othello might have slept with his wife and even though this is a rumor, he says that he will believe it. Then in his second soliloquy at the end of act 2, scene 1, Iago reiterates and once again says that Othello slept with his wife, the only difference is that now he thinks Cassio has slept with his wife too because he believes that Cassio is a proper man and a playboy.So, this seems to be a driving force for Iago to ruin Othello and Cassio. Iagos jealousy towards Othello quickly turns into a jealousy toward Cassio too because Othello appointed Cassio as lieutenant instead of Iago. Iago believes that he should be lieutenant because he has fought by Othellos side in battles and becau se he has actual war experience, whereas Cassio learned all of his tactics from books. So, he is jealous because he didnt get the job, but he is angry because he thinks that Othello made Cassio his lieutenant because Cassio helped Othello marry Desdemona.Iago doesnt know anything about proportion, meaning that if he has been wronged he will bring justice to himself by giving the culprit a punishment that doesnt match the crime. In this case, Iago wasnt appointed as lieutenant therefore, he wants to torture Othello and Cassio mentally and then kill them. This could be the result of his hatred and jealousy. Another motive that might cause Iagos behavior is that he is a sadist he just likes to enjoy watching other people suffer.Iago is a very clever person and he enjoys seeing how idiots make fools of themselves. One of these idiots is Iagos buddy, Roderigo. Roderigo is a typical wealthy, Venetian aristocrat who is madly in love with Desdemona and he has given Iago the task of helping him woo her. Iago uses this to his advantage, even though Iago uses Roderigo to ruin Cassio and Othello, he gets some amusement by watching Roderigo prance around and go nuts over Desdemona. Iago also finds it funny when Roderigo wants to go kill himself after he finds out that Desdemona married Othello.There are multiple times throughout the play where Roderigo should have known that Iago was just using him for money and some laughs and since Roderigo doesnt pick up on this, Iago can use Roderigo to his advantage. Power is probably the most important motive. Iago is very conniving and clever and he can use this to manipulate people. It is clearly seen that Iago thrives for power because he loves manipulating people so that they doe exactly what he says. He does this to Roderigo many times, like when Iago tells Roderigo to give him all of his money and when he convinces Roderigo to kill Cassio.He even controls Othello to the point that Othello suspects his wife and decides to kill h er. Iagos thirst for power is also seen when Cassio is appointed to be Othellos lieutenant because this was, supposedly, the basis for his revenge. He really wanted to be lieutenant because it is a very high position and with it comes a lot of power and Iago proves that he would do anything to get that sort of power. Therefore, one of Iagos motives could be that he has a tremendous thirst for power.In conclusion, many believe that Iago is just a psychopath, which is true to some extent however, he is also very smart and clever. If he wasnt clever he would not be able to carry out his revenge because he wouldnt be able to manipulate anyone. The probable motives power, sadism, jealousy and anger are some reasons for why Iago is psychotic, but it is nearly impossible to figure out his true motives from the text. Even though this may be true, Iago does suggest these motives and all of them are supported by the text, but even this could be one of Iagos ploys because nobody can truly und erstand Iago.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
A Travel
I will talk about my trip to Egypt and Palestine, and I avengeed 2 cities in Egypt, Luxor and Aswan. I also visited two cities in Palestine, capital of Israel and Beit Lehem. I travelled in the beginning to Egypt and the program for my trip includes I visit first Luxor city and because visiting Aswan. Luxor and Aswan argon located south Egypt, and travelled by prep atomic number 18 from Cairo to Upper Egypt, where the distance was about 700 kilometres. When I arrived to Luxor I went to area called alleyway rams and there are statues in this way and these statues were with sphinxs body and the head of a ram.On other side of the River Nile there are temples and tombs which include the valley of Kings and valley of Queens. Luxor has worlds greatest open air museum the tour sink said. After that I went to Aswan it is located on River Nile. I visited many of the archaeological sites like island of Elephantine in the River Nile, and I visited Abu Simbel area which located in Nubia, s outh Aswan about 300 kilometres. Abu Simbel area includes the Great Abu Simbel temples includes two temples first temple called Great Temple for the King Ramesses II and anther temple called Small Temple.After I visited Egypt I flew to Palestine, and when I arrived I went Jerusalem city which located in west bank in Palestine. I went to Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of Rock Mosque and are located in the old city Jerusalem and these mosques are very old. And then I went to Beit Lehem city is located in west bank and located south Jerusalem city about 10 kilometres. I visited where Jesas was born because Beit Lehem city as birthplace of Jesas. When I finished my visit I went back again to Egypt, and I stayed a few more days and then returned to Sweden.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Beautiful Disaster Essay
Beautiful Disaster Shakespearean scholar M. R. Ridley suggests that the ascendent of Othello centers on the remainder between reason and consciousness. There is main reason of why did Iago go to Othello accusing his wife of cheating. And the instinct Othello had to kill his wife Desdemona due to these accusations. Shakespeare has many underlying and reoccurring themes throughout as well. One major theme is that of betrayal and loyalty. During the absolute race, every character is either loyal to, or betrays an different character.In the typesetters case of Othello, like only other tragedies, it is the passion of the hero hat is the root of all the action of the play that destroys the hero. Iago was the master of manipulation. lagds fearlessness and over-confidence while he manipulates people causes him to make mistakes that lead him to his death. As he carried traits of psychopaths with no remorse, he was obsessive towards other peoples lives, relentless on his actions, bold in his choices, and a genius in his efforts to manipulate and deceive the other charactersparticularly Othello.His unclear motivations derived from the will to play on each team and play them like puppets. It ll began with poor Roderigo who Just wanted to win over the feel of sweet Desdemona and when he noticed his efforts werent working, he wanted to go dr induce himself. Iago disgusted at the thought because he would never kill myself out of love for some woman I basint have. The indescribable feeling of wanting some wholeness without the want in return will start out some crazy. In lagds eyes, if Roderigo was foolish enough to do that, than he would be even more amenable to lagds manipulating ways to think he was actually helping him. IVe rubbed this young pimple until hes diligent to pop, and now hes angry, (5. 1 . ). Iago didnt Just stab people in the sticker or sabotage anyone. He plots and wisely plants his seeds so he looks like the good guy in the end while using p eoples weaknesses against their selves and each other. Iago spends about of his time plotting against Othello and Desdemona. His cleverness and tycoon to get closer to the other characters while simultaneously bringing them down is genius.Othello is tempted by the beauty, position, and compassion that Desdemona hobo give him in marriage. Hes an experienced man who should know that their differences may bring problems notwithstanding he ignores the possibility of trouble. Their differences, particularly Othellos race and age linger in his mind causation some uneasiness. Hes tempted to believe that Desdemona is unfaithful when Iago begins his torment. Othello is easily led by lagcfs games that not besides caused problems but the death of four people. If Othello used his conscious he could have prevented the tragedy.The infamous white and ruby handkerchief repeatedly comes up throughout the play. It was essentially the final straw for Othello that pushed him over the edge with t he bruit of his wifes infidelity. It was a token of love from Othello to Desdemona that had a lot of entimental value. The handkerchief also seems to contribution as a symbol of Othellos mysterious past and his exoticness. He tells Desdemona that an Egyptian charmer gave it to his become and that it would keep his father faithful (3. 4. 9). Such a small jealous mind.A small mistaking set up be magnified psychologically into grounds of love or betrayal. Desdemona and Othellos relationship was a lot like most relationships that happen today. They were very practically in love, almost too much in love, with no trust or respect to make it last a lifetime. In marriage, it should be your spouses word over anything. Well in Othellos case it was the opposite. He took the most harmful information that would break any marriage up if it were true and he completely ran with it. It brings us back to the theme of betrayal and loyalty.From Othellos point of view do you believe the possible be trayal of your beloved wife or do you go along with the loyalty of your lieutenant that would never do you wrong? Tough choice although in the time of the play it was to be seen that all women were whores and cheating on your husband was common. Desdemona was as faithful as they come. While Iago was busy digging his nose in other peoples love life, his wife Emilia was the one to say Who wouldnt cheat on her husband to make him king? Id risk my soul for that (4. 3. 4). As Desdemona is preparing for bed the dark she was killed, she starts singing a song about willow tree.The song was sung originally by one of Desdemonas mothers servants who loved a crazy guy which reflects Desdemonas own situation. Othello is so wounded by the thought of Desdemonas betrayal that hes blinded to everything except his own pain. Once he decides to end his pain by ending her life, nothing Desdemona says or swears by can make him look beyond himself for the truth. In the beginning of the play, Shakespeare establishes the dignity, nobility, and heroism of Othello by making him out to be this fantastic, well rounded guy.He was a highly respected general of the armies of Venice respected by all those around him. Othellos elevated status is easy prey for Iago with his insecurities due to his age, his life as a soldier, and being a racial and cultural outsider. According to Professor Stoll, it may be correct when he says that In no case does Shakespeare represent men as overwhelmed by anything so vague and immaterial as social forces, but he is surely incorrect when he adds, or as devoured by heir own passions alone. Othello thinks that using denial and disbelief will solve his problems regarding Desdemona. He refuses to believe anything she says in her defense. He wont believe lagds wife Emilia when she swears Desdemona is faithful and disbelieves Desdemonas words of innocence when he first accuses her. He overlooks her devotion and innocence as if she didnt give up her home, family, a nd entire life to be with him. In spite of all the evidence
Friday, May 17, 2019
Cause and Effects of Dehydration and Hydration
Erik Lipka Mrs. Van Mierlo English 101 05 21 February 2013 The centers of Dehydration and Hydration weewee is a necessity in our world today but especially involving the health of human macrocosms. water supply is so important to human life that we would not survive without it because people become dehydrated when an insufficient yield of fluids are consumed in a day. Human survival is dependent on piddle water has been be by experts as second only to oxygen as of the essence(p) for life (Health Benefits of Water). Proper hydration and the avoidance of dehydration are mainstays for health and well- macrocosm.The importance of plighting water is crucial in order to maintain a healthy and proper work remains. Dehydration is actually quite park in our society today. Dehydration occurs when the centre of water leaving your body is greater than the amount being taken in (Functional Fit Facts). Severe dehydration can be deadly which may cause signs such as intense thirst, ab sence of sweat, heart racing and delirium. More commonly undergo is a mild or moderate form which consequences in feelings of dizziness, fatigue, headaches and poor concentration.The majority of folks come int realize they are undergoing symptoms of mild dehydration and that they can cure themselves with the proper intake of fluids, water for example (Functional Fit Facts). Proper hydration varies depending on many factors such as age, physical cast and even the climate. A commonly recommended amount of fluid intake is a half-ounce of fluid per pound of body weight, daily (Glenn Sabin). pot equal to(p) water helps with the regulation of temperature in the body by means of perspiration. This is especially important when play sports. Water as well plays a key role in the digestion of food.Food cannot be digested without water. Water is needed to discriminate down and to digest food. It helps to eliminate waste and deliver nutrients to where they are needed. If your body lacks water, your heart, for instance, needs to work harder to bosom out the oxygenated blood to all cells, so are the rest of the vital harmoniums, your organs will be exhausted and so will you(The Benefits of Drinking Water). It is amazing how important water is to our health and well-being. Water is also the basis of all of our bodily fluids such as saliva and blood and it dilutes toxins and removes them from the body through urine (The Role of Water).Every cell, from head to toe, needs water and this is why it is so important to drink enough water and stay properly hydrated. Dehydration both mild and severe can result in many harmful effects such as tiredness, headaches, constipation and dry skin. One symptom that indicates dehydration and the need to drink more water is the color of the urine. If your urine is dark yellow or orange in color and has a strong smell, this is an indication that the person is not properly hydrated. peeing is usually a pale yellow to clear color when t he person is properly hydrated.Skin is the largest body organ and needs plenty of water to prevent dryness. One sign that you are dehydrated is thirst and you should not wait until you are thirsty before alcoholism more water. Your brain consists 90% of water. A headache and fatigue could very well mean someone is dehydrated and the brain is not functioning properly (Benefits of Drinking Water). Water is very beneficial and has many positive health effects. Drinking water helps the body break down fats assisting people with weight loss. When they drink a sufficient amount of water, it acts as an appetite suppressant so it helps people eat little.Since the brain consist mainly of water, being hydrated helps people concentrate, think more efficiently and raises awareness. Related to the digestive system, some studies show that imbibing a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder crabby person and colon cancer (Benefits of Drinking Water). Some cancer causing agents are diluted in the urine reducing the clock time that they are in the bladder. Another benefit of drinking plenty of water is people are less likely to get sick and they feel healthy. Drinking plenty helps fight against kidney stones, heart attack and the flu.It is also said to improve the immune system (Benefits of Drinking Water). The effects of dehydration and hydration are essential to the health of the human body. Being dehydrated can be deadly and hydration is vital to human life. Its important to stay hydrated for many reasons in order for the body to function to its greatest ability. legion(predicate) people are not informed as to the importance of water and are not able to identify the effects of mild dehydration. The symptoms of mild dehydration can be helped simply by drinking enough water.These are the main effects of hydration and dehydration. Works Cited The Role of Water in the Body and why It Is Important That We Drink Enough of It. Water. N. p. , n. d. Web. 04 Ap r. 2013. What Is the General Effect of Dehydration on the Body? What Is the General Effect of Dehydration on the Body? N. p. , n. d. Web. 04 Apr. 2013. Proper Hydration and Your Health. FON Therapeutics. N. p. , n. d. Web. 04 Apr. 2013. The Health Benefits of Water. The Health Benefits of Water. N. p. , n. d. Web. 04 Apr. 2013.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
The Quality of Leaders Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Quality of Leaders - Assignment ExampleThe new(prenominal) attracter who is least admired is the managing conductor of a local restaurant in the United States. This leader has been in position for about iv years in what may generally be referred to as a static restaurant business. Among other things, this latter leader is autocratic, unapproachable, secretive, intemperate and unable to stick to a common plan.The two leaders achieved their levels of post and influence through different means. For example the admired leader rose through the ranks of the sporting niner of which he is presently the Chief Executive Director. This is because the company that runs the club has an organizational structure or trunk that rewards hard work by promoting employees through the ranks of positions. With the type of diligence, hard work and submissiveness that is described by Ancona et al (2007 p. 96), the leader easily won the hearts of the Board of Directors to win promotional status when ever there was void above his rank. As Andreu and Rosanas (2012) opine, leaders are at times able to buy their ways to the occur by influencing the judgmental thoughts of the people who are responsible for their endorsement. It has therefore been reported of how the least admired leader managed to influence several people who had voting powers to vote for his promotion to the office in which he shortly
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Concept and components of business cycles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
thought and components of business cycles - Essay ExampleWhenever talks are made concerning the economic or business fluctuations, notions of total economic income or output is anticipated. This is because, while business cycles are expressed in terms of fluctuations in GDP, there is usually an accompaniment by labor unemployment rate fluctuations too (Parkin, 2012).However, economists have often remark that there is variation in the lengths of a complete business cycle, as the duration may vomit up from between two to twelve years, but averagely six years. Business cycles are significant in the star that they highlight the economic relativeships that exists in the economy. For instance, while growth in the economy will fall and spring up with cycles, it generates a long-term trend line for growth. Economic growth above the trend line would go out in a fall in the unemployment rate. Based on Okuns Law, a 1% develop in GDP above the trend line would result in a 0.5% decline in the employment (Parkin & Bade, 2001).A business cycle is often comprised of four main stages that form its components. These are the deferral (trough), contraction, recovery and blowup, and growth (peak). Even though the concept of the business cycle is used in relation to the larger economy, its phases can be applied to several sections of the business or a particular industry.The elaborateness and recovery phase relates to the period in which the business is rising, and consumer confidence is growing in the economy. As such, companies get into the opportunity to expand, and incomes and spending rates increase. This period is often associated with significant aggregate increase in factors such as total income, output, trade and employment rates. It persists for approximately six months, and is characterized by a widespread expansion of economic units/sectors in the economy. An extended period of this phase results in a boom in which the
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Achievement Motivation Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Achievement Motivation Theory - Research Paper ExampleAccording to McClelland (1962, cited Miner 2007), individuals consort to be rescue as per the significance they levy on performance, power and affiliation. Even external pressures and expectations drive individuals towards achieving their goals. From a personality perspective, the contain or urge experienced by individuals to influence others and/or change flock or situations point at their motivation towards achieving power. A need to earn and establish cordial relations refers to need for affiliation. Achievement need refers to excellence, competition, goals and being focussed. Achievement motivation points to these characters.These achievement needs can be characterised by certain behaviors. When individuals are driven by their needs for achievement, they tend to be focused, self-confident and have high energy levels. Such individuals tend to set achievable goals and are driven towards challenge and excellence. These indiv iduals are also calculative in risk-taking as well as seek constant feedback on their execution of instrument or action. These individuals constantly strive towards improvement and can think innovatively (Lussier & Achua, 2009). According to McClellands research, the inherent need for achievement in the US population was bare minimum, which was also an indication of the number of entrepreneurs during that time. Moreover, these individuals are be given towards high achievers and tend to adopt unconventional approaches to achieve their goal or to tackle the challenge.aspects of application of the achievement motivation theory. General Electrics immense success and growth during Welchs leadership conveys a theme much contrary to McClellands findings related to the achievement motivation quotient among the Americans. The findings from previous studies were probably uncoiled from an individual perspective however, considering the external factors perspective, it would be
Monday, May 13, 2019
Toyota - Global Environment Forum Research Paper
Toyota - Global Environment Forum - Research Paper ExampleThis is supported by its accountable financial practices, transparent government and open policies. Australia has a legal system that consists of both honey oil laws and statutes. Equality before the law is highly upheld as both domestic and foreigner business birth the same chances before the law. The countries property protection enjoys a higher ranking as it comes in due south in Asia. An some other advantage it has is in its time partition off. It lies 10 hours ahead of GMT. It stands right in the spirit of business closing hour in America and opening hour in Europe. This time zone advantage simply allows for a flow of business though out nonstop (Sydney Australia/ New in the south Wales political science 2012). The tax system in Australia is favourable as business income tax is at 30%. This comes with no capital flow restrictions, capital repatriation, transfers or royalties profit remittances, and other trade-relat ed payments. Major business cities such as Sydney do offer business costs that are competitive. This provision is lower than what is provided in other cities around the world such as Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong, London, Paris and Singapore (Sydney Australia/ New South Wales Government 2012). there also exists government subsidies for regional business, subsidies such as decreased power bill, reformed railway freights, reduced port charges, and a streamlined land use planning process and approvals. The major cities also name transport and communication systems that are world class. These are supplemented by support services for business and fantabulous commercial property at affordable prices as compared to other regional cities (Sydney Australia/ New South Wales Government 2012). Australia has a state-of-the-art telecommunication system that consists of fibre optic, microwave, wireless and satellite systems, with fibre optic being the dominant technology. Other favourable factors include multilingual and well educated
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Economy - Essay ExampleThus, this chapter hash outes both the supply-side and demand-side factors that lead to differences in occupations and earnings. The authors, found on statistical analysis, note here that occupational segregation has declined over the past 30-40 years as women increasingly aspire for better education and have become more competitive than before. They however discourage that despite these latest trends, sex disparity continues to be noticeable among different occupations. For example, Women comprised over 95% of nurses and constitute over four-fifths of all schoolteachers during the mid-nineties. Men, on the other hand, were dominant in the manufacturing sector. Blau et al note that gender and affiance differences have remained existent for long periods as both groups have restricted themselves to such specific professions. They advance attribute gender differences as the primary reason for discrepancies in job hierarchies, promotions and pay and analyze these factors to highlight their individual and collective impact on the male and female workforce. Chapter 6 Differences in Occupations and Earnings The piece Capital Model This chapter introduces the role of various factors like educational attainment, productivity and training in tapering the gap in pay based on gender differences. The authors contend that rising educational qualifications among women has resulted in subtle cracks in the glass ceiling that is apparent in most corporate organizations, and explain it victimisation the Human Capital Model. The authors study the relationship between labor longevity and investment in high education and argue that women tend to invest in the latter as they see better prospects for staying at bottom the workforce for longer durations. They further noted that women prefer on-the-job training citing better employment prospects and as a way to reduce any potential barriers to career advancement. These trends reflect on declining barri ers to career opportunities in any event throwing light on changing practices among educational institutions with regards to admission policies and inclusion of a higher percentage of women. The authors overly cite several legislations such as the Title IX of 1972 as additional reasons for reduction in gender-based discrimination among educational establishments. For instance, the percentage of women in institutions of higher education has risen from a meager 7% during the 1960s to as much as 35-40% across all professional fields and courses of study. The authors also discuss in length about the Index of Segregation, which measures the extent of segregation on the basis of gender across several hundred occupations. Numerically, this index estimates the percentage of each sex who must change jobs in order for the professional distribution amongst the two groups to reach equilibrium. Over the years, the Index has reduced from a spacious 67% (in terms of women) to nearly half by the turn of the century. Chapter 7 Differences in Occupations and Earnings The intention of Labor Market Discrimination Through this chapter, the authors primary demonstrate that discrimination within the labor market place does exist when two similar individuals with equal qualifications, experience and profiles are
Saturday, May 11, 2019
The Causes of World War One and Two Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
The Causes of humanity War One and Two - Essay ExampleHe then maintained a non-aggression and kindly relationship pact with Russian. However, Kaiser Wilhelm 11, his successor, dismissed him in 1890. Kaiser Wilhelm 11 could not renew the pact arguing that it was logically inconsistent with Germanys commitments to Austria Hungary. The Russian foreign affairs ministry maintained friendly relations with Germany. However, the Russian war machine insisted that a new alliance with France was more important for Russias national security. Consequently, the Tsar military countenance opened direct talks between the French and Russian generals of staffs. Despite the reservations of professional diplomats, the generals persuaded Tsar Nicholas 11 and the French cabinet to sign the pact. The secret military convention was signed in 1892 and later canonic in 1894.There was the crow memorandum of 1907. This accord gave rise to the Anglo-Germany antagonism. Influential career diplomat Sir Eyre C rowe spearheaded this treaty in 1907. This was brought about by the fact that Great Britain considered France as the most serious threat to its African and Asian interests. However, under a strong fear of Germany in 1904, the British concluded the entente cordiale with France. This was a friendly resolution of differences in Africa. The British inspired this resolution after they stood firmly beside France against Germany in the inaugural Morocco crisis. Germany had protested forcefully against the creation of a French protectorate in Morocco. In the memorandum, Crowe sought to persuade the British foreign secretary, Sir Edward Grey, to conclude a similar agreement with Russia. This led to Anglo Russian entente of 1907 that paved representation for diplomatic cooperation and joint military planning between France, Russia, and Great Britain. Crowe considered Germany as the greatest peace threat in Europe.There were four major diplomatic crises in Europe from 1905 to 1913.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Cradle will rock Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cradle will rock - pictorial matter Review ExampleHe vicious outwardly his philanthropic wife and blemished children poor shopkeepers, a faithless priest, moll the prostitute and immigrant families. Moll acts as a prostitute he gets arrested and jailed as she refuses to take the services given a police officer who is loyal to Mr. Mister. Moll meets Harry pharmacist who has been repeatedly arrested ands judged with vagrancy after he loses his drugstore because of Mr. Mister. Harry explains to Moll how the Liberty committees are better prostitutes than her and tells him how they dole out themselves to Mr. Mister including Harry himself.During the production of Cradle depart Rock, the government of the United States is struggling to work against the capital hopelessness with many federal programs one being a federal Theater Program. Unfortunately there is great political anxiety with the fear of communism spreading everywhere and everything from films to paintings are questioned of their political and moral objectives. The notable Orson Welles is also involved in the production of this play. In 1930s he tried to take care for funds in order to make a film based on the early long time of Federal Theater as he was a member. Cradle Will Rock was one of the productions of Federal Theater. It is about a greedy businessman who gets his retributions.The play production was funded by the government. However, the funding was withdrawn when it was claimed to be a threat to capitalism. Despite the funding withdrawal, Welles and his team continued with the production of the play. Cradle Will Rock is set based o the rock relationship between politics and art in America during 1930s according to Laird (2002). It also brings into picture the gap between the poor and the wealth in the country as Tim Robbins stages it. Robbins brings together various aspects from the real events, he examine the lives and the aspirations of various imaginative mavericks
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Article Critique 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
member recapitulation 2 - Essay ExampleAs a student engages in physical effect such as playing basketball or any other health promoting physical exercise, his/her interpersonal skills and interactions increase. The thesis is also clear as it helps a reader to generally interpolate that idle students whitethorn engage in acts like intoxicant consumption. In addition, students who suffer strained interpersonal relationships with peers may be suffering from speech pattern. As a means of stress management, they may resort to alcohol consumption. Intended hearing The battlefield has a number of audiences that are addressed. One of the audiences is students already field of operationsing in college and those wishing to juncture college. The study addresses them directly as they are the subjects of the study. Other audiences are parents and university administration as they are creditworthy for the students wellbeing. The review of literature is sufficient and relevant as it look s at the three of import variables in details. The literature also focuses on recent research, which shows its relevance. Hypothesis The hypothesis is that college students who participate in standard physical activity have low stress levels, better interpersonal relationships, as well as low levels of alcohol consumption. The sample for the study The sample of the study drew participants from a public university in south eastern United States, whereby freshmen aged between 18 and 25 were selected. The participants must also have taken alcohol within the past three months, and they must be able to read and chatter English. Samples were randomly selected from seminar classrooms and residence halls. The main mode of data disposition was through the HPLP-II and Daily Drinking questionnaire (Wilson-Salandy & Nies, 2012). Critique of the conclusion The conclusion shows that the hypothesis was disapproved. The conclusion shows that there is no relationship between the three variables that the study sought to test. However, other studies reveal a positive correlation between physical activity and alcohol consumption, interpersonal relationships and stress management. This study shows no relationship at all. This may imply that the study may have been skewed in terms of questions asked and sampling techniques. The next step for this study is that the same study needs to be repeated in another region to examine whether the same results will be achieved. The results imply that there is no significant effect on interpersonal relationship, alcohol consumption and stress management whether students engage in physical activities or not. This may discourage students from engaging in fit exercises. My overall impression concerning the study is that the review of literature was well grounded, but the method of data collection was skewed. The study ought to have carried out a study with a single objective such as effects of physical activity on alcohol consumption, and the other variables to be considered as subsets or belittled variables. This will have helped in precise analysis of data. Another impression is that the study ought to have sampled students from divers(a) universities in different locations, in order to ensure that results are fairly balanced. I disagree with the results, oddly from the verity that all the three variabl
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Marketing Planing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Marketing Planing - Essay ExampleThe objective of the troupe is to offer the employees a congenial air travel to work and nodes a wide range of drinks which can satisfy their needs. Some of the main objectives of the beau monde atomic number 18 to lay emphasis on the needs of the customers and develop innovative products. Presently, the company offers 3500 products in more than cc countries (Coca Cola, 2013a). The company tries innovative methods to develop core products which can suit the taste buds of the customers and provide satisfaction (Coca Cola, 2013b). Presently, the company manufactures carbonated beverages in various flavours, juices, bottled water and sports drink (Coca Cola, 2013h). Marketing be after Changes & Assessing Capability Marketing Planning is a method to develop plans which can identify and satisfy customer needs and wants. The main elements of commercialiseplace planning are to conduct a market research to downstairsstand the customer requirements. Un derstanding customer requirements is essential to develop products as per customer preference and specifications. After 70 years of success in developing cola drinks only in singular flavour the company decided to manufacture drinks in varied flavours to diversify their risk and yield profits from varied products. This was one of major breakthrough market planning initiatives by the company to manufacture beverages for a diversified customer base. The company started selling juices under the brand Minute Maid to portray itself as a healthy beverage manufacturer. The company in any case increased its availability in remote countries like Cambodia, Paraguay, Macau, Turkey and Montserrat. The first television advertisement for cytosine appeared in the year 1970 which related the brands with friendliness and good times. In the year 1980 during the tenure of the chairman Mr. Roberto C. Goizueta the company started focusing more on manufacturing healthy beverages which would suit the ta ste bud of the consumers. During the 1980s the company started manufacturing cacography free and low sugar content drinks under the brand names Diet Coke. This finding was made to strengthen the brand image of the company. Mr. Roberto C. Goizueta also introduced a drink with a relatively sunrise(prenominal) flavour under a new formula which was popularly termed as New Coke. However, degree centigrade started manufacturing drinks under the original formula to regain the customer and critics confidence. During the 1990s the company started formulating a different strategy by associating itself with sports. The company associated itself with leading sports which were popular among the common masses. The company became one of the sponsors of FIFA, Rugby, and field Basketball Association etc to connect with a larger audience. The advertising and various other merchandise strategies had a profound impact on the companys earnings. Traditionally the company served 9 drinks per day com pared to 1.7 cardinal servings per day presently (Coca Cola, 2013e). Thus, we can observe that the company had adapted to the changing marketing environment and had changed the marketing strateg
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Critically evaluate the major characteristics of the Chinese style of Essay
Critically evaluate the major characteristics of the Chinese modal value of anxiety and how it differs from traditional western sandwich management styles - Essay ExampleMost people under the Chinese management styles do absorb instructions or duties from the managers though their. In the western part people work like managers since of the cardinal way communication they use while making decisions. While in China people be in possession of to be managed together with the managers due to openhearted bewilder system. The Chinese management style is benignant father where the parent will know to supervise the children on everything that needs to be d one. The parent system of management believes in the discipline and the attention to details and manages the people at a micro level. This means that the benevolent manager spends a lot of time caring for the personal welfare of the employees, incase of conflict the benevolent system will have to solve the conflict in amicable manne r. The benevolent system is regarded as part of the job to supervise all the employees in the organization. According to Michael (1996), the Chinese style of management is distinguishable from the traditional western management since the western emulates managers who are resourceful democrat. This means that if one is the manager one will set the vision and strategy for the business but the company will have to dower the subordinate to execute. Western style of management encourages two way communication with the employees and allows bottom decision making.In terms of working hours, the management style of Chinese is still diverse from the western traditional style of management. Ilan (2003) states that the economy of China is growing at a breakneck pace and long working hours for the employees is ruler in business. The attitude towards time management and work is highly considered in China where an employee will have to work for so many hours and expected output should be high. Life balance is very different in China and the traditional western management style. Western
Monday, May 6, 2019
A Critical Exploration of Roles and Professionalism Essay
A Critical Exploration of Roles and Professionalism - move ExampleProfessionalism in this respect and in relation to this paper and that of teaching profession in England shall be taking to encompass teachers conduct, their commitment to quality and to learners and advocateing of positive attitude.A desirable teacher is the one who assists the learners to learn. The roles undertaken by the teacher require both educational expertise as well as content knowledge. As briefly indicated earlier, the teacher acts as a facilitator, as a role fabric to the learners, as an information provider, as a leaning resources developer, as a planner and as an assessor.In England the teacher is supposed to pass on information as well as knowledge to the learners. This is presumptively the primary role that the teacher plays in facilitating leaning. Here the teacher is expected to share their thoughts in assisting to realise the ideas that underlie a certain subject of study. As a role model the te acher should uphold good moral grounds that every learner should emulate. The teacher on the other hand should at all time act as a learning facilitator and a mentor to their learners (Shirley et al. 1984). In England in that respect has been a move towards having a more learner centred learning. Therefore, the teacher has become more of a facilitator in the learning process. The teacher is also taken to be an assessor of learners competence. This is where the teacher is supposed to be an resplendent examiner who is able to incorporate all the assessment issues. The teacher is supposed to come up with the requisite learning outcomes as well as assess the learners leaning outcomes. In the process of assessing the learners competence in grasping the content taught, the teacher also assess themselves as the results indicate the effectiveness of the teaching processes utilise there before. This encompasses the evaluation role that the teachers should play in instilling knowledge whi ch forms a
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Making of Narco State in Afghanistan Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Making of Narco State in Afghanistaniistan - Article ExampleTo many, the joined States take invasion of Afghanistan to topple Talibans rule of the country were seen as aggression designed to get approve to the international terrorist who staged the 9/11 attacks on Twin Towers of New York World Trade Center. only studying the background of the Talibans even the more objective mind might justly the US led coalition action against Afghanistan. First, it has become the breeding ground for international terrorist who do no have compliments at all to human life, human rights and human dignity. As a matter of fact, even Afghan citizens particularly women were victims of bodily abuses, stinting deprivation and injustice, corruption and so forth.This paper deals with the historical and cultural conception and influence of tribalism in their country, as well as its effect in the rise of the worlds perception that Afghanistan is bonnie a Narco State.In 1960s, Afghanistan was monarchial w ith the king and his relatives dominated the central g overnment, according to Microsoft Encarta. But in 1963, a inflorescence minister was appointed for the first time outside the royal family in order to distance the monarchy from policy-making (Encarta). However, the administration of the new prime minister had experienced many conflicts a series of putsch ahs brought into office the Mujahidin Government.According to report made by Afghanistan Assessment, the new government is faced with immense economic problems, including serious food and fuel shortages, a collapsed industrial sector, a severely damaged infrastructure, the difficulties of refugees returning to their ravage farms and field studied with mines and high inflation. Prior to the 1973 Coup d etat, Afghanistan has been beneficiaries from both East and West both the coupled States of America and the Soviet Union built an international air part in Kabot and Kandahar respectively. But the 1973 coup d etat had not only had some effect on Afghanistan but also foreign powers attitude to domesticated and political forces in Afghanistan.When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in December 1979, the Soviet installed Karmal as President, yet his governance was continuously plagued by civil wars, and constantly disrupted by anti-government guerilla forces the Mujahiden depriving the government of authority over large areas of the countryside. Though poorly armed at first, they soon began to receive supplies mainly from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the fall in States of America and China, which later helped them overthrow the existing government.According to Mohsen Makhmalbaf, during the early years, Afghanistan was ruled by tribes. These tribes had each draw that a single leader coming from one tribe may not be acceptable. So they formed Tribal Federalism known as loya Jirga. Makhmalbaf stressed that since then until now, a more just and suspend form of governing has not emerged in Afghanistan. Same au thor added further that the Loya Jirga system shows that Afghanistan has never evolved economically form an agricultural existence. It has never moved beyond tribal rule and failed to achieve a soul of nationalism. He also pointed out that in Afghanistan each Afghan is Pashtun (the most dominant tribe), Hazareh,
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Explaining and evaluate principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Explaining and evaluate principles - Essay ExampleSecond, the need of checks and balance, again with the end view to avoid or thwart tyranny that the people must accept its consent on important matters of governance. We can take an extreme case as an example to exposit this point much(prenominal) as leaders cannot just do whatever they want with the governed such as throwing anybody in jail they dislike or disagree with. The political liberties (including physical liberties) of the people must be ensured for a leader to govern. If a governance or leader will do the example such as illegally detaining people it do not like or disagreed with, then it is also the secure of the people to rebel and the options available to do this are in multitude but that would be digressing to discuss them. Important aspects of governance that affects the people must also have the consent of the people. One example is the prize of leader, which Locke also agreed, must have the consent of the peo ple through an election. ... sub also put fore the consequential theory on freedom that an individuals hang of action is acceptable for as long as it is good for the majority of the people which in a way modern government uses a guide when it disposes policies into action. With regard to freedom of speech John Stuart Mill is quite liberal in his point of view and it seems that he make an exception to this general theory that freedom must be regulated. In general, Mill argues in his consequential theory that an individual is free to pursue a course of action or interest for as long as it do not harm to other. just now in the expression of thought and discussion, Mill argued that it should not be abridged. His contention is that an individuals competency to express opinions and to discuss must be exercised in full and not to be suppressed. He did not argue for this naively. Mill knows that not all opinions are truthful and good. In fact, he mentioned that opinions and thoughts ca n be entirely false, partially true and wholly true which in all, is an inestimable and could benefit the common good. Mill argues for this as First, if any opinion is compelled to silence, that opinion may, for aught we can certainly know, be true. To deny this is to take up our own infallibility. Secondly, though the silenced opinion be an error, it may, and very commonly does, contain a deal of truth and since the general or prevailing opinion on any subject is rarely or never the whole truth, it is only by the collision of adverse opinions that the remainder of the truth has any fate of being supplied. Thirdly, even if the received opinion be not only true, but the
Friday, May 3, 2019
International Etiquette Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
International Etiquette Paper - judge ExampleIn-spite of having a well known government, the country was considered powerless during the point in time of 1912-1949. However, the dominance of the country in the Second World War against the Japanese smoothens the way for china to become a powerful nation. afterward that period, Mao Zedong, Chairman of the communist party formed PRC. Hence, with the changing time frame, the country established itself as amid the super powers of the globe (The Ohio State University, Part 2 Themes in Chinese History).Business in China is quite different from other nations of the globe. People in this part of the world focus more(prenominal) on conducting melody by building effectual relationship. The people of the country provide maximum place to punctuality. Both English and Chinese languages are widely used in this nation while conducting business (The Canadian Trade Commission Service, Business Etiquette in China).In China, business and works a re not conducted on national holidays of the nation. The regular business hours in the country ranges from 7-8 hours each day from Monday to Friday and Saturdays along with Sundays considered as off days. The standard operational hours of business comprise 08 hours to 1800 hours each day with lunch period ranging in between 1200 hours to 1400 hours (Travel China Guide, Business Hours in China).In order to analyze this circumstance section, it can be affirmed that it is quite important that people end or disconnect their call up calls politely while being in a business meeting or having an important conference regarding business. However, maintaining contacts through emails, phones and fax is highly appreciated by business group of people in China (Travel China Guide, Business Hours in China).As mentioned above, business people in China determine maximum punctuality especially when participating or attending in any sort of meeting. being on time for having business related conve rsations or
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